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Global Sources Online Shows

Global Sources Online Show 2020 (From July 29 – August 9)

The NEW Global Sources Online Shows of THREE hottest product themes in TWO phases, featuring Medical & Healthcare, Study & Work from Home and Home & Hardware.

As member of HKFEC, you would be entitled to exclusive personalized service – Global Sources MATCH, which aims to help your members to schedule online meetings with verified suppliers based on their specific product sourcing needs.

We shall shortlist verified suppliers based on their sourcing request for selection. Next, Online meetings will be arranged at your preferred timeslots.

On top of achieving high-efficiency sourcing, your members will also earn “Global Sources MATCH Rewards Points” by participating in the MATCH program and redeem fabulous prizes!

One successful online meeting will earn 10 Global Sources MATCH Rewards Points.
Gift redemption starts as low as 30 Global Sources MATCH Rewards Points:

Global Sources MATCH
Rewards Points
Prize to redeem
30 points Amazon gift card valued US$30
40 points Amazon gift card valued US$40
50 points Amazon gift card valued US$50
60 points Amazon gift card valued US$60
70 points Amazon gift card valued US$70
80 points Amazon gift card valued US$80
90 points Amazon gift card valued US$90
100 points or above Amazon gift card valued US$100

Please al
low up to 6-8 weeks for receiving the reward card by email after the Global Sources Online Match closes.