“Enterprise 4.0: Heading Towards Digital Economy to Drive Business Development” SME Conference
Date : 24 October, 2019
Venue : Conference Hall, 4/F, HKPC Building
The SME Conference 2019 will be hosted on 24 Oct 2019, with the theme digital economy and digital transformation. It gathers business leaders and experts to share their insights with SMEs and public on recent economic topic. The SME Conference was deemed successful in previous years with over 300 SMEs attended every time.
時間 | 流程 |
13:15 | 登記入座 |
開幕 | |
14:00 | 渣打銀行香港區行政總裁 禤惠儀女士致歡迎辭 |
14:05 | 香港生產力促進局主席 林宣武先生致歡迎辭 |
14:10 | 商務及經濟發展局局長 邱騰華先生致開幕辭 (TBC) |
14:15 | 開幕儀式 |
14:18 | 嘉賓合照 |
論壇開始 | |
14:20 | 專題演講 (1):數碼經濟及中小企科技大趨勢 |
14:45 | 專題演講 (2):經驗之談-創新意念成就嶄新商機 |
15:10 | 中場休息 |
15:25 | 中小企指數走勢及2020市場前瞻 |
15:50 | 專題座談:邁向 4.0-以數碼轉型迎接新挑戰 – 金流 |人流 |物流 |資訊流 |
16:50 | 問答環節 |
17:00 | 活動完結 |
Please contact us at keith@hkfec.org.