Russian Association of Internet Trade Companies (AITC) and HKFEC join force

Russian Association of Internet Trade Companies(AITC) and the Hong Kong Federation of E commerce (HKFEC) have decided to intensify their co-operations. As a result, both non-profit organizations strive to improve the connection between Russia and Asian e-commerce activities. In the agreement, Mr. Alexey Fedorov – President of AITC would be appointed as the Russia Market Advisor of HKFEC. “Ecommerce is greatly supported by Russian government and AITC is the biggest association representing the industry across the country. It is very important for Russia understand more of the Asia market for online purchase as well as exporting Russia product to Asia over the Internet. This partnership with HKFEC could become our Asia hub for information exchange” said Mr. Fedorov.
At the same time, Mr Joseph Yuen – Board Chairman of HKFEC would be appointed as Asia Market Advisor of AITC. “Russia isa huge country that has a lot of potential for Hong Kong and Asia Ecommerce business to explore. AITC is giving us a great working opportunity for such a big geographical coverage over the Belt and Road Initiative that opens up a new Ecommerce market for Hong Kong and China” said Mr. Yuen.
About Russian Association of Internet TradeCompanies (AITC)
AITC ( is the only organization in Russia dedicated to the development of e-commerce. We are actively cooperatingwith the Government, represented by the specialized ministries. We are membersof related unions and associations of government and business, as well asmembers of the working groups under Government of Russia. Development of e-commercein Russia is now received great support at the highest level by the President and the Prime Minister. The main goal of the AITC is to establish principles ofhonest competition, reducing the existence of grey market and create a safety zone for customer in E-commerce.