Ecommerce World Virtual Summit 2020 – The new rule of retail in ASEAN digital explosion
Mr.Pawoot Pongvitayapanu
CEO and Founder of

Mr.Pawoot Pongvitayapanu (Pom), an online entrepreneur, E-Commerce and Online media business leader, more than 20 years experience in Digital and Technology industry. He graduated from 2 master degree in Internet & E-Commerce at ABAC University and an Executive MBA from SASIN Business School with Kellogg School of Management USA. (He study Ph.D. in Innovation at Chulalongkorn University for 1 year, but he drops the class due to need to give more time for kids and family)
He has accumulated his professional experience since 1998 and delivers consulting and lecturing services to the public, private, government organizations and institutions all over the country and overseas.
Prior to holding CEO and Founder at Co., Ltd. which includes and the Biggest E-Commerce Service in Thailand. join with Rakuten Group No.1 E-Commerce in Japan by the Year 2009 and buy back from Rakuten in March 2016. And He sells a majority of share to TCC Group (Beer Chang) in 2018. He is a startup investor, Invested more than 15 companies.
He also builds up Internet Technology Community in Thailand by Founded many Associations such as the Thai E-Commerce Association, Thai E-Payment Association, E-Thai Logistic Club and Thai Webmaster Association. He very contributed to the community.
Many people call him as “Thailand Internet Icon & Pioneer”
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