
Ecommerce World Virtual Summit 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear that e-commerce serves as an important and accessible channel for consumers in times of crisis. It is also a vital economic driver and saviour for small businesses. The pandemic has highlighted not only the importance of digital technologies in general, but also several vulnerabilities across the world. 

The Ecommerce World Summit has been an annual industry event for the past few years and becoming great influence to the industry. The Summit is organized by Hong Kong Federation of E-Commerce and supported by our honorable industry leaders from China, USA, Russia, Japan, Singapore, Korea…etc. Each year, the event attracted over 600 guests from Banking & finance, Retail, IT, Hospitality…etc. Every year we have selected difference country in Asia for hosting the event, and in view of current social pandemics, the event is now change to a virtual format for 2020.

Speakers for 2020

Mr. Joseph Yuen
Chairman of HKFEC
Ms. Sharon Gai
Global Director,
Alibaba Group
Mr. Shivaji Das
Partner and Managing Director, Asia
Frost & Sullivan
Mr. Rich Banta
Technical Standard Committee, IDCA
Mr. Daiju Takahashi
President, Oisix Hong Kong

Prof. Jorij Abraham
Managing Director, Ecommerce Foundation
Mr.Pawoot Pongvitayapanu
CEO and Founder at TARAD.com
Mr. Tonny Tong
Commercial Director at JD.com
Dr. Victor Hung
Vice President,
Hong Kong Federation of Ecommerce
Mr. Vickson Tan
Sr. Marketing VP
Exabytes Network
Mr. Ian Ng
AISA Digital Pte. Ltd.
Mr. Syed Ali
Co-founder & COO

2020 Event Topics

Opening Welcome SpeechMr. Joseph YuenChairman, Hong Kong Federation of E-Commerce (HKFEC)
Security and data privacy concerns for US market post pandemicsMr. Rich BantaChairman,
Technical Standard Committee,
European reports on COVID-19 impact to ecommerce growthMr. Jorij AbrahamManaging Director, Ecommerce Foundation
The latest update on Ecommerce trend in ChinaMs. Sharon GaiGlobal Director of Alibaba Group
How would the new normal Restructure Enterprise by IT solutionsMr. Shivaji DasPartner and Managing Director, Asia
Frost & Sullivan
Change of living in Japan’s grocery marketMr. Daiju TakahashiPresident, Oisix Hong Kong
The new rule of retail in ASEAN digital explosionMr.Pawoot PongvitayapanuCEO and Founder at TARAD.com
Cross Border Ecommerce behavior during the pandemicsMr. Tonny TongCommercial Director, JD.com
Panel: To explore e-Commerce ventures in Southeast Asian market and learn key success factorsDr. Victor Hung (Host)
Mr. Ian Ng
Mr. Syed Ali
Mr. Vickson Tan
CEO, AISA Digital
Sr. Marketing VP,
Exabytes Network

Event Organizers

Supporting Organizations

Ecommerce World Summit 2019

2019 Speakers’ Interview

Interview with Nicholas Kontopoulos, Regional Head of APAC and EMEA commerce Marketing, Adobe (Previously Magento)
Interview with Anastasia Kovaleva, Head of China Market, Russia Ecommerce Association
Interview with Dr. See-Kiat Toh, Global Chairman of Goodwins Law Corporation and Vice Chairman of CommerceNet Singapore