香港萬麗海景酒店 “福滿樓” 將於今個中秋呈獻匠心巧製、新鮮自家製作嘅精緻月餅。香港電商聯會會員由即日起至9月18日,訂購傳統地道嘅「迷你蛋黃白蓮蓉月餅」、創新口味「迷你斑蘭蛋黃月餅」及「滿福樓招牌迷你月餅」可享65折!限量發售嘅「迷你貓山王榴槤月餅」亦載譽回歸,立即預訂,以享75折優惠。
Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong, Dynasty’s Restaurant exquisite collection of mooncakes will return this Mid-Autumn Festival to delight your palate! Catch the special offers for HKFEC members from now through 18 September to enjoy a 35% discount on our indigenous “Mini White Lotus Seed Paste & Salted Egg Yolk Mooncake”, intriguing “Mini Pandan Paste & Salted Egg Yolk Mooncakes” and “Dynasty Signature Mini Mooncakes”. The limited edition “Mini Musang King Durian Mooncakes” are also back by popular demand. Order now to enjoy 25% off.
Dynasty “Mini White Lotus Seed Paste and Salted Egg Yolk Mooncakes”
The indigenous “Mini White Lotus Seed Paste and Salted Egg Yolk Mooncakes” present a tantalizing combination between luscious white lotus seed paste and rich salted egg yolk, offering an authentic mooncake sensation.
Dynasty “Mini Pandan Paste and Salted Egg Yolk Mooncakes”
With refreshing pandan aroma complementing salted egg yolk, the light and intriguing “Mini Pandan Paste and Salted Egg Yolk Mooncakes” guarantee an irresistible indulgence at every single bite.
Dynasty “Mini Musang King Durian Mooncakes”
The flavourful and silky Musang King Durian filling with the irresistible buttery crust will surely conquer all durian lovers’ heart with an unusual aromatic sensation. “Mini Musang King Durian Mooncakes” are limited to 500 boxes only. Be sure not to miss it!
Dynasty “Signature Mini Mooncakes”
Each box includes 3 pieces of “Mini White Lotus Seed Paste and Salted Egg Yolk Mooncakes” and 3 pieces of “Mini Pandan Paste and Salted Egg Yolk Mooncakes” per box to satisfy your crave in exploring different flavours.
訂購連結 Order Link: https://www.buys.hk/renaissance-harbourview/html/mooncake2020-checkout-zh.html
換領方法: 請提前最少2天致電 (852) 2584 6972與滿福樓職員預訂取貨。顧客必須在領取月餅時出示此禮券的正本或電子版本
How to Redeem: Please contact Dynasty at (852) 2584 6972 2 days in advance for redemption. Customers should present original or digital voucher to redeem the offer on the day of pick-up.