
Sponsored Membership


  • Sponsored Member is specially invited to honour a particular contribution to the development of HKFEC or the development of E-Commerce to Hong Kong society.
  • Membership based on a valid business entity, company may appoint representatives and have the right to vote and be elected, the representatives can be replaced by the company.
  • Holds a business registration certificate in corresponding regions.
  • The applicant’s production bases or service location can be Hong Kong or other regions.
  • The scope of application’s products orservices must comply with HKFEC’s technical capability and / or obtain approval from HKFEC.
    Applicants are required to fill out themembership form as download in the corporate member section, HKFEC board will review each application for approval.
    The board of HKFEC is responsible for monitoring the entire selection criteria and have absolute power to accept or reject any applications.

Member’s benefit:

✔︎Right to use sponsored member logo for promotion on member’s website or name card.
✔︎Receive monthly newsletter to understand the latest market news and industry events.
✔︎Attend some industry events and business networking events with complimentary VIP passes
✔︎Opportunity to represent the Federation or the industry to share insights to peers or reflect opinions to authoritative organisations. (both HK and oversea)
✔︎Cooperate with HKFEC with special offerings on event organization, training courses, and many more. Please feel free to contact us via info@hkfec.org.

Area of Sponsorship:

  1. Event and Seminar sponsorship to HKFEC
  2. Support senior management for volunteered work at HKFEC
  3. Provide funding and assistance for the development of HKFEC
  4. Advertising and promotion sponsorship to HKFEC
  5. Provide all kinds of sponsorship on HKFEC’s member event, award ceremony and annual activities.

Application Procedure:

For any enquiry on sponsorship details, please contact us at info@hkfec.org.